The American Veterans' Sailing Program - AVSP - is founded to bring the joy of sailing to veterans in the Great Lakes region through hands on experience. We will take veterans sailing - at no cost to them. We are excited to hoist the sails on this new mission, providing the veteran community with a positive outlet where new skills can be learned and lasting bonds can be forged at sea.

The chief dream of the Order's leadership has long been to establish a mission that involves sailing and veterans. This dream was finally realized in the summer of 2024, when fellow veteran and longtime friend of the Order, Stephen Reiutz, reached out to us with a proposal: he would donate his beautiful boat to the Order on the condition that we establish a new program, and use it to better the lives of the brave men and women who served our great country. We gladly accepted this mission.

SWEETWATER is a late classic 36' gaff-rigged ketch, built along the lines of the venerable Dickerson 36. With her sturdy reinforced fiberglass hull and gaff ketch rig, she is made for kindly sailing in all manner of conditions. Equipped for cruising and voyages, with room for three or four passengers, SWEETWATER is the ideal vessel to meet the demands of our new mission.

We believe that most great things involve some sort of adventure, and the donation of SWEETWATER is no exception. In 2025, the Order's crew will set sail on SWEETWATER, taking her on the voyage from Northern Florida up the Intracoastal Waterway to her new home in Lake Erie. Our team will provide her with a loving restoration, bringing her into top-condition for the veterans she will serve.

We aim to make the AVSP the premier veterans sailing program in the Great Lakes. To do this, we will continue to build meaningful connections with local organizations, businesses, and kindhearted individuals who want to get involved and give back to the veterans in their community. While we make a positive impact around the world with our Humanitarian Aid Team (HAT), the AVSP will be focused on the needs of the many veterans in the Great Lakes region.

This mission would not be possible without your support. To fully train our crew, make this voyage, complete the restoration of SWEETWATER, and operate this program for the benefit of our local veterans, we ask that you consider donating to our cause. All donations, big or small, will make a great impact. Do you have knowledge or skills you would like to contribute? Contact us and we'll see if we can find a fit for you to volunteer with us as we get SWEETWATER prepared for sea service.